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Tutorial: Conditional Logit Model on ModeCanada Dataset

Author: Tianyu Du ([email protected])

Update: May. 3, 2022

Reference: This tutorial is modified from the Random utility model and the multinomial logit model in th documentation of mlogit package in R.

Please note that the dataset involved in this example is fairly small (2,779 choice records), so we don't expect the performance to be faster than the R implementation.

We provide this tutorial mainly to check the correctness of our prediction. The fully potential of PyTorch is better exploited on much larger dataset.

The executable Jupyter notebook for this tutorial is located at Random Utility Model (RUM) 1: Conditional Logit Model.

Let's first import essential Python packages.

from time import time
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from import ChoiceDataset, utils
from torch_choice.model import ConditionalLogitModel

from torch_choice.utils.run_helper import run

This tutorial will run both with and without graphic processing unit (GPU). However, our package is much faster with GPU.

if torch.cuda.is_available():
    print(f'CUDA device used: {torch.cuda.get_device_name()}')
    device = 'cuda'
    print('Running tutorial on CPU.')
    device = 'cpu'
Running tutorial on CPU.

Load Dataset

We have included the ModeCanada dataset in our package, which is located at ./public_datasets/.

The ModeCanada dataset contains individuals' choice on traveling methods.

The raw dataset is in a long-format, in which the case variable identifies each choice. Using the terminology mentioned in the data management tutorial, each choice is called a purchasing record (i.e., consumer bought the ticket of a particular travelling mode), and the total number of choices made is denoted as \(B\).

For example, the first four row below (with case == 109) corresponds to the first choice, the alt column lists all alternatives/items available.

The choice column identifies which alternative/item is chosen. The second row in the data snapshot below, we have choice == 1 and alt == 'air' for case == 109. This indicates the travelling mode chosen in case = 109 was air.

Now we convert the raw dataset into the format compatible with our model, for a detailed tutorial on the compatible formats, please refer to the data management tutorial.

We focus on cases when four alternatives were available by filtering noalt == 4.

df = pd.read_csv('./public_datasets/ModeCanada.csv')
df = df.query('noalt == 4').reset_index(drop=True)
df.sort_values(by='case', inplace=True)
Unnamed: 0 case alt choice dist cost ivt ovt freq income urban noalt
0 304 109 train 0 377 58.25 215 74 4 45 0 4
1 305 109 air 1 377 142.80 56 85 9 45 0 4
2 306 109 bus 0 377 27.52 301 63 8 45 0 4
3 307 109 car 0 377 71.63 262 0 0 45 0 4
4 308 110 train 0 377 58.25 215 74 4 70 0 4

Since there are 4 rows corresponding to each purchasing record, the length of the long-format data is \(4 \times B\). Please refer to the data management tutorial for notations.

(11116, 12)

Construct the item_index tensor

The first thing is to construct the item_index tensor identifying which item (i.e., travel mode) was chosen in each purchasing record.

We can now construct the item_index array containing which item was chosen in each purchasing record.

item_index = df[df['choice'] == 1].sort_values(by='case')['alt'].reset_index(drop=True)
0       air
1       air
2       air
3       air
4       air
2774    car
2775    car
2776    car
2777    car
2778    car
Name: alt, Length: 2779, dtype: object

Since we will be training our model using PyTorch, we need to encode {'air', 'bus', 'car', 'train'} into integer values.

Travel Mode Name Encoded Integer Values
air 0
bus 1
car 2
train 3

The generated item_index would be a tensor of shape 2,778 (i.e., number of purchasing records in this dataset) with values {0, 1, 2, 3}.

item_names = ['air', 'bus', 'car', 'train']
num_items = 4
encoder = dict(zip(item_names, range(num_items)))
item_index = x: encoder[x])
item_index = torch.LongTensor(item_index)
encoder={'air': 0, 'bus': 1, 'car': 2, 'train': 3}
item_index=tensor([0, 0, 0,  ..., 2, 2, 2])

Construct Observables

Then let's constrct tensors for observables. As mentioned in the data management tutorial, the session is capturing the temporal dimension of our data. Since we have different values cost, freq and ovt for each purchasing record and for each item, it's natural to say each purchasing record has its own session.

Consequently, these three variables are price observables since they vary by both item and session. The tensor holding these observables has shape \((\text{numer of purchasing records}, \text{number of items}, 3)\)

We do the same for variable ivt, we put ivt into a separate tensor because we want to model its coefficient differently later.

price_cost_freq_ovt = utils.pivot3d(df, dim0='case', dim1='alt',
                                    values=['cost', 'freq', 'ovt'])

price_ivt = utils.pivot3d(df, dim0='case', dim1='alt', values='ivt')
price_cost_freq_ovt.shape=torch.Size([2779, 4, 3])
price_ivt.shape=torch.Size([2779, 4, 1])

In contrast, the income variable varies only by session (i.e., purchasing record), but not by item. income is therefore naturally a session variable.

session_income = df.groupby('case')['income'].first()
session_income = torch.Tensor(session_income.values).view(-1, 1)
session_income.shape=torch.Size([2779, 1])

To summarize, the ChoiceDataset constructed contains 2779 choice records. Since the original dataset did not reveal the identity of each decision maker, we consider all 2779 choices were made by a single user but in 2779 different sessions to handle variations.

In this case, the cost, freq and ovt are observables depending on both sessions and items, we created a price_cost_freq_ovt tensor with shape (num_sessions, num_items, 3) = (2779, 4, 3) to contain these variables. In contrast, the income information depends only on session but not on items, hence we create the session_income tensor to store it.

Because we wish to fit item-specific coefficients for the ivt variable, which varies by both sessions and items as well, we create another price_ivt tensor in addition to the price_cost_freq_ovt tensor.

Lastly, we put all tensors we created to a single ChoiceDataset object, and move the dataset to the appropriate device.

dataset = ChoiceDataset(item_index=item_index,

You can print(dataset) to check shapes of tensors contained in the ChoiceDataset.

ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[2779], user_index=[], session_index=[2779], item_availability=[], price_cost_freq_ovt=[2779, 4, 3], session_income=[2779, 1], price_ivt=[2779, 4, 1], device=cpu)

Create the Model

We now construct the ConditionalLogitModel to fit the dataset we constructed above.

To start with, we aim to estimate the following model formulation:

\[ U_{uit} = \beta^0_i + \beta^{1\top} X^{price: (cost, freq, ovt)}_{it} + \beta^2_i X^{session:income}_t + \beta^3_i X_{it}^{price:ivt} + \epsilon_{uit} \]

We now initialize the ConditionalLogitModel to predict choices from the dataset. Please see the documentation for a complete description of the ConditionalLogitModel class.

At it's core, the ConditionalLogitModel constructor requires the following four components.

Define variation of each \(\beta\) using coef_variation_dict

The keyword coef_variation_dict is a dictionary with variable names (defined above while constructing the dataset) as keys and values from {constant, user, item, item-full}.

For instance, since we wish to have constant coefficients for cost, freq and ovt observables, and these three observables are stored in the price_cost_freq_ovt tensor of the choice dataset, we set coef_variation_dict['price_cost_freq_ovt'] = 'constant' (corresponding to the \(\beta^{1\top} X^{price: (cost, freq, ovt)}_{it}\) term above).

The models allows for the option of zeroing coefficient for one item. The variation of \(\beta^3\) above is specified as item-full which indicates 4 values of \(\beta^3\) is learned (one for each item). In contrast, \(\beta^0, \beta^2\) are specified to have variation item instead of item-full. In this case, the \(\beta\) correspond to the first item (i.e., the baseline item, which is encoded as 0 in the label tensor, air in our example) is force to be zero.

The researcher needs to declare intercept explicitly for the model to fit an intercept as well, otherwise the model assumes zero intercept term.

Define the dimension of each \(\beta\) using num_param_dict

The num_param_dict is a dictionary with keys exactly the same as the coef_variation_dict. Each of dictionary values tells the dimension of the corresponding observables, hence the dimension of the coefficient. For example, the price_cost_freq_ovt consists of three observables and we set the corresponding to three.

Even the model can infer num_param_dict['intercept'] = 1, but we recommend the research to include it for completeness.

Number of items

The num_items keyword informs the model how many alternatives users are choosing from.

Number of users

The num_users keyword is an optional integer informing the model how many users there are in the dataset. However, in this example we implicitly assume there is only one user making all the decisions and we do not have any user_obs involved, hence num_users argument is not supplied.

model = ConditionalLogitModel(coef_variation_dict={'price_cost_freq_ovt': 'constant',
                                                   'session_income': 'item',
                                                   'price_ivt': 'item-full',
                                                   'intercept': 'item'},
                              num_param_dict={'price_cost_freq_ovt': 3,
                                              'session_income': 1,
                                              'price_ivt': 1,
                                              'intercept': 1},

Then we move the model to the appropriate device.

model =

One can print the ConditionalLogitModel object to obtain a summary of the model.

  (coef_dict): ModuleDict(
    (price_cost_freq_ovt): Coefficient(variation=constant, num_items=4, num_users=None, num_params=3, 3 trainable parameters in total).
    (session_income): Coefficient(variation=item, num_items=4, num_users=None, num_params=1, 3 trainable parameters in total).
    (price_ivt): Coefficient(variation=item-full, num_items=4, num_users=None, num_params=1, 4 trainable parameters in total).
    (intercept): Coefficient(variation=item, num_items=4, num_users=None, num_params=1, 3 trainable parameters in total).
Conditional logistic discrete choice model, expects input features:

X[price_cost_freq_ovt] with 3 parameters, with constant level variation.
X[session_income] with 1 parameters, with item level variation.
X[price_ivt] with 1 parameters, with item-full level variation.
X[intercept] with 1 parameters, with item level variation.

Train the Model

We provide an easy-to-use helper function run() imported from torch_choice.utils.run_helper to fit the model with a particular dataset.

We provide an easy-to-use model runner for both ConditionalLogitModel and NestedLogitModel (see later) instances.

The run() mehtod supports mini-batch updating as well, for small datasets like the one we are dealing right now, we can use batch_size = -1 to conduct full-batch gradient update.

start_time = time()
run(model, dataset, num_epochs=50000, learning_rate=0.01, batch_size=-1)
print('Time taken:', time() - start_time)
==================== received model ====================
  (coef_dict): ModuleDict(
    (price_cost_freq_ovt): Coefficient(variation=constant, num_items=4, num_users=None, num_params=3, 3 trainable parameters in total).
    (session_income): Coefficient(variation=item, num_items=4, num_users=None, num_params=1, 3 trainable parameters in total).
    (price_ivt): Coefficient(variation=item-full, num_items=4, num_users=None, num_params=1, 4 trainable parameters in total).
    (intercept): Coefficient(variation=item, num_items=4, num_users=None, num_params=1, 3 trainable parameters in total).
Conditional logistic discrete choice model, expects input features:

X[price_cost_freq_ovt] with 3 parameters, with constant level variation.
X[session_income] with 1 parameters, with item level variation.
X[price_ivt] with 1 parameters, with item-full level variation.
X[intercept] with 1 parameters, with item level variation.
==================== received dataset ====================
ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[2779], user_index=[], session_index=[2779], item_availability=[], price_cost_freq_ovt=[2779, 4, 3], session_income=[2779, 1], price_ivt=[2779, 4, 1], device=cpu)
==================== training the model ====================
Epoch 5000: Log-likelihood=-1875.552490234375
Epoch 10000: Log-likelihood=-1892.94775390625
Epoch 15000: Log-likelihood=-1877.9156494140625
Epoch 20000: Log-likelihood=-1881.0845947265625
Epoch 25000: Log-likelihood=-1884.7335205078125
Epoch 30000: Log-likelihood=-1874.423828125
Epoch 35000: Log-likelihood=-1875.3016357421875
Epoch 40000: Log-likelihood=-1874.3779296875
Epoch 45000: Log-likelihood=-1875.703125
Epoch 50000: Log-likelihood=-1899.8175048828125
==================== model results ====================
Training Epochs: 50000

Learning Rate: 0.01

Batch Size: 2779 out of 2779 observations in total

Final Log-likelihood: -1899.8175048828125


| Coefficient           |   Estimation |   Std. Err. |
| price_cost_freq_ovt_0 |  -0.0342194  |  0.00731707 |
| price_cost_freq_ovt_1 |   0.092262   |  0.00520946 |
| price_cost_freq_ovt_2 |  -0.0439827  |  0.00342765 |
| session_income_0      |  -0.0901207  |  0.0205214  |
| session_income_1      |  -0.0272581  |  0.00385396 |
| session_income_2      |  -0.0390468  |  0.00428838 |
| price_ivt_0           |   0.0592097  |  0.0102933  |
| price_ivt_1           |  -0.00753696 |  0.00496264 |
| price_ivt_2           |  -0.00604297 |  0.00193414 |
| price_ivt_3           |  -0.00207518 |  0.00123286 |
| intercept_0           |   0.700786   |  1.39368    |
| intercept_1           |   1.85016    |  0.728283   |
| intercept_2           |   3.2782     |  0.648064   |
Time taken: 179.84411025047302

Parameter Estimation from R

The following is the R-output from the mlogit implementation, the estimation, standard error, and log-likelihood from our torch_choice implementation is the same as the result from mlogit implementation.

We see that the final log-likelihood of models estimated using two packages are all around -1874.

The run() method calculates the standard deviation using \(\sqrt{\text{diag}(H^{-1})}\), where \(H\) is the hessian of negative log-likelihood with repsect to model parameters.

Names of coefficients are slightly different, one can use the following conversion table to compare estimations and standard deviations reported by both packages.

Coefficient Name in Python Estimation Std. Err. Coeffcient Name in R R Estimation R Std. Err.
price_cost_freq_ovt_0 -0.0342194 0.00731707 cost -0.0333389 0.0070955
price_cost_freq_ovt_1 0.092262 0.00520946 freq 0.0925297 0.0050976
price_cost_freq_ovt_2 -0.0439827 0.00342765 ovt -0.0430036 0.0032247
session_income_0 -0.0901207 0.0205214 income:bus -0.0890867 0.0183471
session_income_1 -0.0272581 0.00385396 income:car -0.0279930 0.0038726
session_income_2 -0.0390468 0.00428838 ivt:train -0.0014504 0.0011875
price_ivt_0 0.0592097 0.0102933 ivt:air 0.0595097 0.0100727
price_ivt_1 -0.00753696 0.00496264 ivt:bus -0.0067835 0.0044334
price_ivt_2 -0.00604297 0.00193414 ivt:car -0.0064603 0.0018985
price_ivt_3 -0.00207518 0.00123286 ivt:train -0.0014504 0.0011875
intercept_0 0.700786 1.39368 (Intercept):bus 0.6983381 1.2802466
intercept_1 1.85016 0.728283 (Intercept):car 1.8441129 0.7085089
intercept_2 3.2782 0.648064 (Intercept):train 3.2741952 0.6244152

R Output

data("ModeCanada", package = "mlogit")
MC <- dfidx(ModeCanada, subset = noalt == 4)
ml.MC1 <- mlogit(choice ~ cost + freq + ovt | income | ivt, MC, reflevel='air')

mlogit(formula = choice ~ cost + freq + ovt | income | ivt, data = MC,
    reflevel = "air", method = "nr")

Frequencies of alternatives:choice
      air     train       bus       car
0.3738755 0.1666067 0.0035984 0.4559194

nr method
9 iterations, 0h:0m:0s
g'(-H)^-1g = 0.00014
successive function values within tolerance limits

Coefficients :
                    Estimate Std. Error  z-value  Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept):train  3.2741952  0.6244152   5.2436 1.575e-07 ***
(Intercept):bus    0.6983381  1.2802466   0.5455 0.5854292
(Intercept):car    1.8441129  0.7085089   2.6028 0.0092464 **
cost              -0.0333389  0.0070955  -4.6986 2.620e-06 ***
freq               0.0925297  0.0050976  18.1517 < 2.2e-16 ***
ovt               -0.0430036  0.0032247 -13.3356 < 2.2e-16 ***
income:train      -0.0381466  0.0040831  -9.3426 < 2.2e-16 ***
income:bus        -0.0890867  0.0183471  -4.8556 1.200e-06 ***
income:car        -0.0279930  0.0038726  -7.2286 4.881e-13 ***
ivt:air            0.0595097  0.0100727   5.9080 3.463e-09 ***
ivt:train         -0.0014504  0.0011875  -1.2214 0.2219430
ivt:bus           -0.0067835  0.0044334  -1.5301 0.1259938
ivt:car           -0.0064603  0.0018985  -3.4029 0.0006668 ***
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Log-Likelihood: -1874.3
McFadden R^2:  0.35443
Likelihood ratio test : chisq = 2058.1 (p.value = < 2.22e-16)