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Random Utility Model (RUM) Part II: Nested Logit Model

Author: Tianyu Du

The package implements the nested logit model as well, which allows researchers to model choices as a two-stage process: the user first picks a category of purchase and then picks the item from the chosen category that generates the most utility.

Examples here are modified from Exercise 2: Nested logit model by Kenneth Train and Yves Croissant.

The House Cooling (HC) dataset from mlogit contains data in R format on the choice of heating and central cooling system for 250 single-family, newly built houses in California.

The dataset is small and serve as a demonstration of the nested logit model.

The alternatives are:

  • Gas central heat with cooling gcc,
  • Electric central resistence heat with cooling ecc,
  • Electric room resistence heat with cooling erc,
  • Electric heat pump, which provides cooling also hpc,
  • Gas central heat without cooling gc,
  • Electric central resistence heat without cooling ec,
  • Electric room resistence heat without cooling er.
  • Heat pumps necessarily provide both heating and cooling such that heat pump without cooling is not an alternative.

The variables are:

  • depvar gives the name of the chosen alternative,
  • ich.alt are the installation cost for the heating portion of the system,
  • icca is the installation cost for cooling
  • och.alt are the operating cost for the heating portion of the system
  • occa is the operating cost for cooling
  • income is the annual income of the household

Note that the full installation cost of alternative gcc is ich.gcc+icca, and similarly for the operating cost and for the other alternatives with cooling.

Nested Logit Model: Background

The following code block provides an example initialization of the NestedLogitModel (please refer to examples below for details).

model = NestedLogitModel(category_to_item=category_to_item,
                         item_coef_variation_dict={'price_obs': 'constant'},
                         item_num_param_dict={'price_obs': 7},

The nested logit model decompose the utility of choosing item \(i\) into the (1) item-specific values and (2) category specify values. For simplicity, suppose item \(i\) belongs to category \(k \in \{1, \dots, K\}\): \(i \in B_k\).

\[ U_{uit} = W_{ukt} + Y_{uit} \]

Where both \(W\) and \(Y\) are estimated using linear models from as in the conditional logit model.

The log-likelihood for user \(u\) to choose item \(i\) at time/session \(t\) decomposes into the item-level likelihood and category-level likelihood.

\[ \log P(i \mid u, t) = \log P(i \mid u, t, B_k) + \log P(k \mid u, t) \\ = \log \left(\frac{\exp(Y_{uit}/\lambda_k)}{\sum_{j \in B_k} \exp(Y_{ujt}/\lambda_k)}\right) + \log \left( \frac{\exp(W_{ukt} + \lambda_k I_{ukt})}{\sum_{\ell=1}^K \exp(W_{u\ell t} + \lambda_\ell I_{u\ell t})}\right) \]

The inclusive value of category \(k\), \(I_{ukt}\) is defined as \(\log \sum_{j \in B_k} \exp(Y_{ujt}/\lambda_k)\), which is the expected utility from choosing the best alternative from category \(k\).

The category_to_item keyword defines a dictionary of the mapping \(k \mapsto B_k\), where keys of category_to_item are integer \(k\)'s and category_to_item[k] is a list consisting of IDs of items in \(B_k\).

The {category, item}_coef_variation_dict provides specification to \(W_{ukt}\) and \(Y_{uit}\) respectively, torch_choice allows for empty category level models by providing an empty dictionary (in this case, \(W_{ukt} = \epsilon_{ukt}\)) since the inclusive value term \(\lambda_k I_{ukt}\) will be used to model the choice over categories. However, by specifying an empty second stage model (\(Y_{uit} = \epsilon_{uit}\)), the nested logit model reduces to a conditional logit model of choices over categories. Hence, one should never use the NestedLogitModel class with an empty item-level model.

Similar to the conditional logit model, {category, item}_num_param_dict specify the dimension (number of observables to be multiplied with the coefficient) of coefficients. The above code initializes a simple model built upon item-time-specific observables \(X_{it} \in \mathbb{R}^7\),

\[ Y_{uit} = \beta^\top X_{it} + \epsilon_{uit} \\ W_{ukt} = \epsilon_{ukt} \]

The research may wish to enfoce the elasiticity \(\lambda_k\) to be constant across categories, setting shared_lambda=True enforces \(\lambda_k = \lambda\ \forall k \in [K]\).

Load Essential Packages

We firstly read essential packages for this tutorial.

import argparse

import pandas as pd
import torch

from import ChoiceDataset, JointDataset, utils
from torch_choice.model.nested_logit_model import NestedLogitModel
from torch_choice.utils.run_helper import run

We then select the appropriate device to run the model on, our package supports both CPU and GPU.

if torch.cuda.is_available():
    print(f'CUDA device used: {torch.cuda.get_device_name()}')
    DEVICE = 'cuda'
    print('Running tutorial on CPU')
    DEVICE = 'cpu' 
CUDA device used: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090

Load Datasets

We firstly read the dataset for this tutorial, the csv file can be found at ./public_datasets/HC.csv.

df = pd.read_csv('./public_datasets/HC.csv', index_col=0)
df = df.reset_index(drop=True)
depvar icca occa income ich och idx.id1 idx.id2 inc.cooling int.cooling cooling.modes room.modes
0 False 0.00 0.00 20 24.50 4.09 1 ec 0 0 0 False False
1 False 27.28 2.95 20 7.86 4.09 1 ecc 0 20 1 True False
2 False 0.00 0.00 20 7.37 3.85 1 er 20 0 0 False True
3 True 27.28 2.95 20 8.79 3.85 1 erc 20 20 1 True True
4 False 0.00 0.00 20 24.08 2.26 1 gc 0 0 0 False False

The raw dataset is in a long-format (i.e., each row contains information of one item).

ec     250
ecc    250
er     250
erc    250
gc     250
gcc    250
hpc    250
Name: idx.id2, dtype: int64
# what was actually chosen.
item_index = df[df['depvar'] == True].sort_values(by='idx.id1')['idx.id2'].reset_index(drop=True)
item_names = ['ec', 'ecc', 'er', 'erc', 'gc', 'gcc', 'hpc']
num_items = df['idx.id2'].nunique()
# cardinal encoder.
encoder = dict(zip(item_names, range(num_items)))
item_index = x: encoder[x])
item_index = torch.LongTensor(item_index)

Because we will be training our model with PyTorch, we need to encode item names to integers (from 0 to 6). We do this manually in this exercise given the small amount of items, for more items, one can use sklearn.preprocessing.OrdinalEncoder to encode.

Raw item names will be encoded as the following.

{'ec': 0, 'ecc': 1, 'er': 2, 'erc': 3, 'gc': 4, 'gcc': 5, 'hpc': 6}

Category Level Dataset

We firstly construct the category-level dataset, however, there is no observable that is constant within the same category, so we don't need to include any observable tensor to the category_dataset.

All we need to do is adding the item_index (i.e., which item is chosen) to the dataset, so that category_dataset knows the total number of choices made.

# category feature: no category feature, all features are item-level.
category_dataset = ChoiceDataset(item_index=item_index.clone()).to(DEVICE)
No `session_index` is provided, assume each choice instance is in its own session.

Item Level Dataset

For simplicity, we treat each purchasing record as its own session. Moreover, we treat all observables as price observables (i.e., varying by both session and item).

Since there are 7 observables in total, the resulted price_obs has shape (250, 7, 7) corresponding to number_of_sessions by number_of_items by number_of_observables.

# item feature.
item_feat_cols = ['ich', 'och', 'icca', 'occa', '', 'inc.cooling', 'int.cooling']
price_obs = utils.pivot3d(df, dim0='idx.id1', dim1='idx.id2', values=item_feat_cols)
torch.Size([250, 7, 7])

Then, we construct the item level dataset by providing both item_index and price_obs.

We move item_dataset to the appropriate device as well. This is only necessary if we are using GPU to accelerate the model.

item_dataset = ChoiceDataset(item_index=item_index, price_obs=price_obs).to(DEVICE)
No `session_index` is provided, assume each choice instance is in its own session.

Finally, we chain the category-level and item-level dataset into a single JointDataset.

dataset = JointDataset(category=category_dataset, item=item_dataset)

One can print the joint dataset to see its contents, and tensors contained in each of these sub-datasets.

JointDataset with 2 sub-datasets: (
    category: ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[250], user_index=[], session_index=[250], item_availability=[], device=cuda:0)
    item: ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[250], user_index=[], session_index=[250], item_availability=[], price_obs=[250, 7, 7], device=cuda:0)


There are multiple ways to group 7 items into categories, different classification will result in different utility functions and estimations (see the background of nested logit models).

We will demonstrate the usage of our package by presenting three different categorization schemes and corresponding model estimations.

Example 1

In the first example, the model is specified to have the cooling alternatives {gcc, ecc, erc, hpc} in one category and the non-cooling alternatives {gc, ec, er} in another category.

We create a category_to_item dictionary to inform the model our categorization scheme. The dictionary should have keys ranging from 0 to number_of_categories - 1, each integer corresponds to a category. The value of each key is a list of item IDs in the category, the encoding of item names should be exactly the same as in the construction of item_index.

category_to_item = {0: ['gcc', 'ecc', 'erc', 'hpc'],
                    1: ['gc', 'ec', 'er']}

# encode items to integers.
for k, v in category_to_item.items():
    v = [encoder[item] for item in v]
    category_to_item[k] = sorted(v)

In this example, we have item [1, 3, 5, 6] in the first category (category 0) and the rest of items in the second category (category 1).

{0: [1, 3, 5, 6], 1: [0, 2, 4]}

Next, let's create the NestedLogitModel class!

The first thing to put in is the category_to_item dictionary we just built.

For category_coef_variation_dict, category_num_param_dict, since we don't have any category-specific observables, we can simply put an empty dictionary there.

Coefficients for all observables are constant across items, and there are 7 observables in total.

As for shared_lambda=True, please refer to the background recap for nested logit model.

model = NestedLogitModel(category_to_item=category_to_item,
                         item_coef_variation_dict={'price_obs': 'constant'},
                         item_num_param_dict={'price_obs': 7},

model =

You can print the model to get summary information of the NestedLogitModel class.

  (category_coef_dict): ModuleDict()
  (item_coef_dict): ModuleDict(
    (price_obs): Coefficient(variation=constant, num_items=7, num_users=None, num_params=7, 7 trainable parameters in total).

NOTE: We are computing the standard errors using \(\sqrt{\text{diag}(H^{-1})}\), where \(H\) is the hessian of negative log-likelihood with respect to model parameters. This leads to slight different results compared with R implementation.

run(model, dataset, num_epochs=10000)
==================== received model ====================
  (category_coef_dict): ModuleDict()
  (item_coef_dict): ModuleDict(
    (price_obs): Coefficient(variation=constant, num_items=7, num_users=None, num_params=7, 7 trainable parameters in total).
==================== received dataset ====================
JointDataset with 2 sub-datasets: (
    category: ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[250], user_index=[], session_index=[250], item_availability=[], device=cuda:0)
    item: ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[250], user_index=[], session_index=[250], item_availability=[], price_obs=[250, 7, 7], device=cuda:0)
==================== training the model ====================
Epoch 1000: Log-likelihood=-187.43597412109375
Epoch 2000: Log-likelihood=-179.69964599609375
Epoch 3000: Log-likelihood=-178.70831298828125
Epoch 4000: Log-likelihood=-178.28799438476562
Epoch 5000: Log-likelihood=-178.17779541015625
Epoch 6000: Log-likelihood=-178.13650512695312
Epoch 7000: Log-likelihood=-178.12576293945312
Epoch 8000: Log-likelihood=-178.14144897460938
Epoch 9000: Log-likelihood=-178.12478637695312
Epoch 10000: Log-likelihood=-178.13674926757812
==================== model results ====================
Training Epochs: 10000

Learning Rate: 0.01

Batch Size: 250 out of 250 observations in total

Final Log-likelihood: -178.13674926757812


| Coefficient      |   Estimation |   Std. Err. |
| lambda_weight_0  |     0.585981 |   0.167168  |
| item_price_obs_0 |    -0.555577 |   0.145414  |
| item_price_obs_1 |    -0.85812  |   0.238405  |
| item_price_obs_2 |    -0.224599 |   0.111092  |
| item_price_obs_3 |    -1.08912  |   1.04131   |
| item_price_obs_4 |    -0.379067 |   0.101126  |
| item_price_obs_5 |     0.250203 |   0.0522721 |
| item_price_obs_6 |    -5.99917  |   4.85404   |

  (category_coef_dict): ModuleDict()
  (item_coef_dict): ModuleDict(
    (price_obs): Coefficient(variation=constant, num_items=7, num_users=None, num_params=7, 7 trainable parameters in total).

R Output

Here we provide the output from mlogit model in R for estimation reference.

Coefficient names reported are slightly different in Python and R, please use the following table for comparison. Please note that the lambda_weight_0 in Python (at the top) corresponds to the iv (inclusive value) in R (at the bottom). Orderings of coefficients for observables should be the same in both languages.

Coefficient (Python) Coefficient (R)
lambda_weight_0 iv
item_price_obs_0 ich
item_price_obs_1 och
item_price_obs_2 icca
item_price_obs_3 occa
item_price_obs_5 inc.cooling
item_price_obs_6 int.cooling
## Call:
## mlogit(formula = depvar ~ ich + och + icca + occa + + 
##     inc.cooling + int.cooling | 0, data = HC, nests = list(cooling = c("gcc", 
##     "ecc", "erc", "hpc"), other = c("gc", "ec", "er")), un.nest.el = TRUE)
## Frequencies of alternatives:choice
##    ec   ecc    er   erc    gc   gcc   hpc 
## 0.004 0.016 0.032 0.004 0.096 0.744 0.104 
## bfgs method
## 11 iterations, 0h:0m:0s 
## g'(-H)^-1g = 7.26E-06 
## successive function values within tolerance limits 
## Coefficients :
##              Estimate Std. Error z-value  Pr(>|z|)    
## ich         -0.554878   0.144205 -3.8478 0.0001192 ***
## och         -0.857886   0.255313 -3.3601 0.0007791 ***
## icca        -0.225079   0.144423 -1.5585 0.1191212    
## occa        -1.089458   1.219821 -0.8931 0.3717882    
##    -0.378971   0.099631 -3.8038 0.0001425 ***
## inc.cooling  0.249575   0.059213  4.2149 2.499e-05 ***
## int.cooling -6.000415   5.562423 -1.0787 0.2807030    
## iv           0.585922   0.179708  3.2604 0.0011125 ** 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Log-Likelihood: -178.12

Example 2

The second example is similar to the first one, but we change the way we group items into different categories. Re-estimate the model with the room alternatives in one nest and the central alternatives in another nest. (Note that a heat pump is a central system.)

category_to_item = {0: ['ec', 'ecc', 'gc', 'gcc', 'hpc'],
                    1: ['er', 'erc']}
for k, v in category_to_item.items():
    v = [encoder[item] for item in v]
    category_to_item[k] = sorted(v)

model = NestedLogitModel(category_to_item=category_to_item,
                            item_coef_variation_dict={'price_obs': 'constant'},
                            item_num_param_dict={'price_obs': 7},

model =
run(model, dataset, num_epochs=5000, learning_rate=0.3)
==================== received model ====================
  (category_coef_dict): ModuleDict()
  (item_coef_dict): ModuleDict(
    (price_obs): Coefficient(variation=constant, num_items=7, num_users=None, num_params=7, 7 trainable parameters in total).
==================== received dataset ====================
JointDataset with 2 sub-datasets: (
    category: ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[250], user_index=[], session_index=[250], item_availability=[], device=cuda:0)
    item: ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[250], user_index=[], session_index=[250], item_availability=[], price_obs=[250, 7, 7], device=cuda:0)
==================== training the model ====================
Epoch 500: Log-likelihood=-193.73406982421875
Epoch 1000: Log-likelihood=-185.25933837890625
Epoch 1500: Log-likelihood=-183.55142211914062
Epoch 2000: Log-likelihood=-181.8164825439453
Epoch 2500: Log-likelihood=-180.4320526123047
Epoch 3000: Log-likelihood=-180.04095458984375
Epoch 3500: Log-likelihood=-180.7447509765625
Epoch 4000: Log-likelihood=-180.39688110351562
Epoch 4500: Log-likelihood=-180.27947998046875
Epoch 5000: Log-likelihood=-181.1483612060547
==================== model results ====================
Training Epochs: 5000

Learning Rate: 0.3

Batch Size: 250 out of 250 observations in total

Final Log-likelihood: -181.1483612060547


| Coefficient      |   Estimation |   Std. Err. |
| lambda_weight_0  |     1.61072  |    0.787735 |
| item_price_obs_0 |    -1.34719  |    0.631206 |
| item_price_obs_1 |    -2.16109  |    1.0451   |
| item_price_obs_2 |    -0.393868 |    0.255138 |
| item_price_obs_3 |    -2.53253  |    2.2719   |
| item_price_obs_4 |    -0.884873 |    0.379626 |
| item_price_obs_5 |     0.496491 |    0.248118 |
| item_price_obs_6 |   -15.6477   |    9.88054  |

  (category_coef_dict): ModuleDict()
  (item_coef_dict): ModuleDict(
    (price_obs): Coefficient(variation=constant, num_items=7, num_users=None, num_params=7, 7 trainable parameters in total).

R Output

You can use the table for converting coefficient names reported by Python and R:

Coefficient (Python) Coefficient (R)
lambda_weight_0 iv
item_price_obs_0 ich
item_price_obs_1 och
item_price_obs_2 icca
item_price_obs_3 occa
item_price_obs_5 inc.cooling
item_price_obs_6 int.cooling
## Call:
## mlogit(formula = depvar ~ ich + och + icca + occa + + 
##     inc.cooling + int.cooling | 0, data = HC, nests = list(central = c("ec", 
##     "ecc", "gc", "gcc", "hpc"), room = c("er", "erc")), un.nest.el = TRUE)
## Frequencies of alternatives:choice
##    ec   ecc    er   erc    gc   gcc   hpc 
## 0.004 0.016 0.032 0.004 0.096 0.744 0.104 
## bfgs method
## 10 iterations, 0h:0m:0s 
## g'(-H)^-1g = 5.87E-07 
## gradient close to zero 
## Coefficients :
##              Estimate Std. Error z-value Pr(>|z|)  
## ich          -1.13818    0.54216 -2.0993  0.03579 *
## och          -1.82532    0.93228 -1.9579  0.05024 .
## icca         -0.33746    0.26934 -1.2529  0.21024  
## occa         -2.06328    1.89726 -1.0875  0.27681  
##     -0.75722    0.34292 -2.2081  0.02723 *
## inc.cooling   0.41689    0.20742  2.0099  0.04444 *
## int.cooling -13.82487    7.94031 -1.7411  0.08167 .
## iv            1.36201    0.65393  2.0828  0.03727 *
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Log-Likelihood: -180.02

Example 3

For the third example, we now group items into three categories. Specifically, we have items gcc, ecc and erc in the first category (category 0 in the category_to_item dictionary), hpc in a category (category 1) alone, and items gc, ec and er in the last category (category 2).

category_to_item = {0: ['gcc', 'ecc', 'erc'],
                    1: ['hpc'],
                    2: ['gc', 'ec', 'er']}
for k, v in category_to_item.items():
    v = [encoder[item] for item in v]
    category_to_item[k] = sorted(v)

model = NestedLogitModel(category_to_item=category_to_item,
                         item_coef_variation_dict={'price_obs': 'constant'},
                         item_num_param_dict={'price_obs': 7},

model =
run(model, dataset)
==================== received model ====================
  (category_coef_dict): ModuleDict()
  (item_coef_dict): ModuleDict(
    (price_obs): Coefficient(variation=constant, num_items=7, num_users=None, num_params=7, 7 trainable parameters in total).
==================== received dataset ====================
JointDataset with 2 sub-datasets: (
    category: ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[250], user_index=[], session_index=[250], item_availability=[], device=cuda:0)
    item: ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[250], user_index=[], session_index=[250], item_availability=[], price_obs=[250, 7, 7], device=cuda:0)
==================== training the model ====================
Epoch 500: Log-likelihood=-187.12100219726562
Epoch 1000: Log-likelihood=-182.98468017578125
Epoch 1500: Log-likelihood=-181.72171020507812
Epoch 2000: Log-likelihood=-181.3906707763672
Epoch 2500: Log-likelihood=-181.2037353515625
Epoch 3000: Log-likelihood=-181.0186767578125
Epoch 3500: Log-likelihood=-180.83331298828125
Epoch 4000: Log-likelihood=-180.6610107421875
Epoch 4500: Log-likelihood=-180.51480102539062
Epoch 5000: Log-likelihood=-180.40383911132812
==================== model results ====================
Training Epochs: 5000

Learning Rate: 0.01

Batch Size: 250 out of 250 observations in total

Final Log-likelihood: -180.40383911132812


| Coefficient      |   Estimation |   Std. Err. |
| lambda_weight_0  |     0.939528 |   0.193704  |
| item_price_obs_0 |    -0.823672 |   0.0973065 |
| item_price_obs_1 |    -1.31387  |   0.182701  |
| item_price_obs_2 |    -0.305365 |   0.12726   |
| item_price_obs_3 |    -1.89104  |   1.14781   |
| item_price_obs_4 |    -0.559503 |   0.0734163 |
| item_price_obs_5 |     0.310081 |   0.0551569 |
| item_price_obs_6 |    -7.68508  |   5.09592   |

  (category_coef_dict): ModuleDict()
  (item_coef_dict): ModuleDict(
    (price_obs): Coefficient(variation=constant, num_items=7, num_users=None, num_params=7, 7 trainable parameters in total).

R Output

You can use the table for converting coefficient names reported by Python and R:

Coefficient (Python) Coefficient (R)
lambda_weight_0 iv
item_price_obs_0 ich
item_price_obs_1 och
item_price_obs_2 icca
item_price_obs_3 occa
item_price_obs_5 inc.cooling
item_price_obs_6 int.cooling
## Call:
## mlogit(formula = depvar ~ ich + och + icca + occa + + 
##     inc.cooling + int.cooling | 0, data = HC, nests = list(n1 = c("gcc", 
##     "ecc", "erc"), n2 = c("hpc"), n3 = c("gc", "ec", "er")), 
##     un.nest.el = TRUE)
## Frequencies of alternatives:choice
##    ec   ecc    er   erc    gc   gcc   hpc 
## 0.004 0.016 0.032 0.004 0.096 0.744 0.104 
## bfgs method
## 8 iterations, 0h:0m:0s 
## g'(-H)^-1g = 3.71E-08 
## gradient close to zero 
## Coefficients :
##               Estimate Std. Error z-value  Pr(>|z|)    
## ich          -0.838394   0.100546 -8.3384 < 2.2e-16 ***
## och          -1.331598   0.252069 -5.2827 1.273e-07 ***
## icca         -0.256131   0.145564 -1.7596   0.07848 .  
## occa         -1.405656   1.207281 -1.1643   0.24430    
##     -0.571352   0.077950 -7.3297 2.307e-13 ***
## inc.cooling   0.311355   0.056357  5.5247 3.301e-08 ***
## int.cooling -10.413384   5.612445 -1.8554   0.06354 .  
## iv            0.956544   0.180722  5.2929 1.204e-07 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Log-Likelihood: -180.26